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With real world data translated into O&M asset and service strategies, the 2019 edition of New Energy Update’s Onshore Wind Operations & Maintenance Report provides a complete value chain with the analysis needed to navigate the shifting onshore wind power marketplace.
The new report also formulates one of the most cost-effective O&M strategies for owners and managers of wind-power assets.
A few key reasons to access the latest O&M report by New Energy Update:
1. To benchmark wind assets’ reliability against more than 1.6 GW of operational data. Consult proprietary reliability data collated from seven onshore markets during 2015-2018 covering failure rates and downtime at the component and RDS-PP aligned subsystem levels.
2. To better predict, plan & prevent. Avoid unplanned downtime that could wipe-out reliable ROIs on wind-power assets by identifying failure rates and repair times for key components.
3. Carve out the optimum maintenance and O&M service strategy for assets. This means determining what the ideal maintenance response is for your big-ticket components and subsystems.
4. Pinpoint cost-reduction and optimization strategies via the report’s innovation deep-dives. Access the latest innovations in O&M service provisions, technologies, and operational practices to troubleshoot O&M pain points, formulate a forward- looking response strategy, and stay ahead of competitors.
5. Benchmark an investment strategy against the global peer group. Determine where clients and competitors are investing O&M resources over the next five years.
6. Save time and money. The report offers the data, analysis, and actionable strategies necessary to optimize wind O&M strategies so wind owners and operators can focus resources where it counts.
Here are more details as to what the report covers:
- O&M Market Sizing and Growth Forecasts By Country, Region, And Global Levels. Consult the latest market capacity and O&M data, including turbine capacity and pricing trends, global warranty status, and O&M costs.
- Performance Optimization and Reliability at Component and Sub-System Level. Explore failure rates, downtimes, and availability and understand of how data-driven systems can influence decision-making.
- Maintenance Response. Based upon key wind-farm characteristics, and the use of different types of CMS, explore performance and cost dynamics, and see what type of work should be done on your assets.
- Service Response. Who should be carrying out what work on your wind farm over the project lifecycle based upon key wind-farm characteristics and owner and operator profile?
- Trends in Global Wind O&M. This includes contract lengths, contract switching appetite, risk perceptions by service provider, drivers for service provision selection, O&M cost per MWh, and more.
- Revenue Opportunities & Protection. Get advice on how you can set operations up for the future, including risk appetite, cyber protection, better repowering options, and other service options
- Lifetime Extension & Repowering. Understand assets and how you can manage to reduce LOCE and gain additional revenue from aging units or transform aging assets into new opportunities using the latest advancements.
Click here to download the report.
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