ABO Wind AG has placed an order for four V105-3.45 MW delivered in power-optimized mode to 3.6 MW for the Cappawhite B wind park in Ireland. The order marks the introduction of the V105-3.45 MW wind turbine in Ireland.

Vestas pioneered the Irish wind industry in 1992 and has today more than 700 MW installed turbines and close to 600 MW under service.
The order is for the 14-MW Cappawhite B wind park located in Tipperary County in Southern Ireland, marking Vestas’ second order in the county in two years. Cappawhite B is also the first order between Vestas and ABO Wind in Ireland, building on more than 20 completed projects across Germany, France and Finland over the past five years
“ABO Wind AG, through their fully owned subsidiary ABO Wind Ireland Ltd, has been active in Ireland since 2007 and is currently one of the leading project developers there. With three projects constructed with a total installed capacity of 70 MW to date, we are now adding an additional 14.4 MW with the Cappawhite B project,” explains Dr. Klaus Pötter, responsible for the Irish market at ABO Wind AG.
With an extremely robust design for tough wind sites, the turbine is well-suited for the high wind conditions commonly found in Ireland.
“Cappawhite B is a proud demonstration of Vestas’ continued collaboration with our long-term and highly valued customer, ABO Wind. The project marks our first V105-3.45 MW order in Ireland, which is especially well-suited for the high wind conditions characteristically found in Ireland, demonstrating how we continuously improve the available technology to the benefit of our customers,” adds Klaus Steen Mortensen, President of Vestas Northern Europe.
The contract includes supply and installation of the wind turbines as well as a 15-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM5000) full scope operations and maintenance service agreement. Delivery of the first turbines is planned for the second quarter of 2018 with commissioning expected in the third quarter of 2018.
Vestas pioneered the Irish wind industry in 1992 and has today more than 700 MW installed turbines and close to 600 MW under service.
Filed Under: News, Projects, Turbines