The quarterly Wind Trends Bulletin, from AWS Truepower, provides wind plant owners, investors and operators with a high-level analysis of wind resource performance influenced by climatic fluctuations. This aids in identifying potential issues with wind plant under-performance.
Highlights of Q4 2014 Bulletin include:
Winds were above normal across the northern and western United States, much of South America, northern Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, China, Russia, and portions of India and East Asia. Winds were below normal across southern and central portions of the United States, much of Europe, East and West Africa, Indochina, and nearly all of Australia.
Download the full report for more detail.
About Wind Trends Bulletins:
In 2013 AWS Truepower expanded the Wind Trends Bulletins from Europe, India and North America to include South America, Africa and the Middle East, Asia, and Oceania. In addition to new regions AWS Truepower has updated its methodology in creating the anomaly maps, which improves its global accuracy. The ERA-Interim Re-analysis (Dee, D. P., et al, 2011) is now used as the baseline for studying the long-term changes in wind speed.
AWS Truepower
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