Wood has been appointed by GE Energy Financial Services and Green Investment Group Limited as the owner’s engineer on the 650-MW Markbygden ETT Onshore Wind Farm located in Swedish Lapland near the town of Piteå.

The project, which comprises 179 3.63-MW GE wind turbine generators, is set to become Europe’s largest single-site onshore wind farm upon completion in 2019.
The project, which comprises 179 3.63-MW GE wind turbine generators, is set to become Europe’s largest single-site onshore wind farm upon completion in 2019 and will increase Sweden’s installed wind generation by more than 12.5%.
Wood has provided support throughout the project’s pre-financial close phase drawing on a wide range of skills and experience which includes the construction and operation of wind farms.
“Markbygden ETT Onshore Wind Farm is the largest of its kind in Europe and will make a significant contribution to the European clean energy market,” said Robin Watson, Wood’s Chief Executive. “We are delighted to maintain and build on our close working relationship with both GE Energy Financial Services and Green Investment Group on this flagship project.
“We have worked very closely with the sponsors and stakeholders over the last 12 months during the pre-construction phase to overcome the many challenges associated with such a large scale project,” added Watson “We would like to congratulate the sponsors on achieving finance and ground-breaking power purchase agreement (PPA) deal for this landmark project.”
This latest owner’s engineer role strengthens Wood’s position as a global leader in the delivery of project, engineering and technical services to energy and industrial markets.
Filed Under: Construction, News