Global Wind Organisation Certified training providers are expanding their operations and investing in new sites around the world.
New data from the GWO WINDA Database, shows that 17 new training sites opened their doors between January 1 and March 31, 2018, with sites in the Americas a particular feature during the first quarter. The GWO global network now consists of 248 training sites in 135 countries.
The expansion is positive news for GWO member companies and those looking for a recognized training standard in basic safety training, said Jakob Lau Holst, CEO of Global Wind Organisation. “Investors in new wind power generation need a properly trained local workforce. Basic safety training is a foundation of that.
“GWO members expect the technicians they employ and those within their contractor network to have the Basic Safety Training (BST) and Basic Technical Training (BTT) packages, as a skills baseline. “When there is an established training provider available in a new market like many of those launching in Q1 2018, this is a very positive sign.”
North America growing
During Q1 2018, ENSA North America opened its fifth training center in the United States, and North America is expected to be amongst the fastest growing global regions as its offshore market sets sail. For example, Aeolus Energy Group announced its intention to invest a number of new GWO Certified training centers on the United States’ Eastern Seaboard.
“Training providers see the USA, particularly its offshore market as a major growth area,” adds Jakob Lau Holst. “We have been approached by several companies seeking GWO certification for Sea Survival training that they will deliver off the Eastern Seaboard of the United States and look forward to receiving their certifications.”
Meanwhile, Mexico now has six Certified GWO training providers, following the addition of Buzos Inspectors Asociados in March and in South America, Maersk Training launched its first site in Brazil during February, with a training center opened in Rio de Janeiro.
Developers and suppliers in neighboring Uruguay can now also find three training centres in the country’s capital Monetvideo, with the opening of Weir Yes in March.
The full list of newly certified training providers and sites can be viewed in the table below:
GWO is a non-profit organisation of wind turbine owners and wind turbine manufacturers, committed to the creation and adoption of standardized safety training and emergency procedures. Independent training providers deliver GWO-certified training to delegatesworldiwide. See our interactive map of training providers. Training records are uploaded and stored in the GWO WINDA database, allowing members to verify training records quickly and easily, helping employers avoid unnecessary spending on re-training.
Filed Under: Training