The length of The Switch 2 MW cabinet is now only 2.4 meters, which makes the placement of the converter easier in the nacelle or the tower.
A full-power converter design by The Switch features fault ride-through (FRT) capability for better grid-side performance. The new converters match the most stringent grid code in the world to date, the German BDEW 2008 directive. They also comply with E.ON 2006, Transmission Code 2007 and Chinese grid code 2008. During faults, the converter stays connected to and supports the grid – even with zero-voltage ride-through capability. This results in future-proof grid compliance. The built-in FRT capability also creates a cost advantage. Even the smallest turbines on wind farms are being retrofitted with additional FRT upgrade kits that cost as much as new, complete converters by The Switch.
The new converter design is ideal for offshore installations, because the cabinet has been improved to minimize the impact of environmental influences in harsh ocean conditions. The upgrades include a more rugged enclosure and better sealing. In addition, the converter includes a built-in humidity control that removes humidity from inside the cabinet, making it highly reliable. The new converter, designed to match all turbine applications ranging from 1 to 6 MW, also reduces cabinet size by up to 30%. The length of The Switch 2 MW cabinet is now only 2.4 meters, which makes the placement of the converter easier in the nacelle or the tower. Higher power density is the design criteria also in higher power ranges.
“In China, the importance of FRT capability has been recognized only recently as a result of large power outages, and the slowdown in the market is closely linked to these quality issues. The new products exceed the maximum grid performance requirements in China,” says Jukka-Pekka Mäkinen, President and CEO. Sales of the new converter series will start early in 2012.
The Switch
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