This Make Consulting Flash Note examines the changes that the newly elected government in Argentina has undertaken since it took office in December 2015. It discusses the policy actions currently being made to kick-start renewable power tendering this year as well as future planning. Furthermore, the note analyses the size of the wind power market opportunity created by the RES.
MAKE examines the potential impediments that could derail the government’s ambitious renewable power aspirations. Still, the unexpected triumph of Mauricio Macri has set forth a unique opportunity to kick-start renewable power build in Argentina. The Note covers:
- Â First renewables tender planned for as early as June 2016 and could be followed by auctions
- Aggressive 20% by 2025 renewables target is feasible and could support 1GW annual market
- Financing is still a critical issue with lingering questions about PPAs and a renewables fund
Filed Under: News, Policy