A cable manufacturer has launched its collection of Interactive Catalogs on its company Web site, www.GeneralCable.com, under Catalogs. With more people using mobile devices to access the Web for information and services, General Cable has taken notice and responded. Its collection of Interactive Catalogs has now gone mobile.
The Interactive catalogs let mobile viewers maximize downtime anywhere and everywhere. The mobile-friendly solution is compatible with enhanced mobile devices equipped with Android and Apple operating systems. Accessible under the Catalogs section (in the menu bar) of the company’s Web site, this tool will make doing business with General Cable easier for prospects and customers. Click on any of the numerous catalog thumbnails to initiate the interactive capabilities, and look up product and technical information. Give them a try from your Android, iPhone, iPad or other tablets at www.GeneralCable.com. Click on Catalogs.
General Cable
Filed Under: Cables & connectors, News