An unusual wind turbine designed by Cleveland State University professor Dr. Rashidi has been mounted at the Cleveland Indian’s ballpark. The 18-foot-wide helix turbine – the first of its kind to sit atop of a baseball stadium – will generate about 40,000 kWh per year. CSU and the Cleveland Indians hope that the installation of this wind tower will help Northeast Ohio to become a world leader in alternate energy development spurring jobs and research. (Editor’s note: The prototype of the wind turbine was reported on in the first issue of Windpower Engineering, October 2009)
Dr. Rashidi, who felt that there was a better way to harness wind power, first received a $1.1 million grant from the U.S. DOE in 2008 to develop a wind amplification turbine that would be cost-effective and commercially viable. The success of Dr. Rashidi’s wind tower paved the way for CSU’s deal with the Cleveland Indians.
Unlike traditional wind turbines that need vast open space, Rashidi’s tower can be retrofitted on existing structures such as farm silos and former water towers, making it possible for commercial use in rural and urban areas. The ability to transform such existing structures would greatly reduce costs and generate enough energy to power individual buildings during peak energy hours, power outages, and other emergencies.
Filed Under: Community wind, Construction, News