It’s possible to improve the stability and reliability of high and medium voltage electric systems with an agnostic, controlled-switching device that works on new and existing high voltage (HV) and medium voltage (MV) circuit breakers.
VIZIMAX announces the release of its the SynchroTeq MV, new line of controlled switching devices (CSDs) for medium voltage (MV) applications, from about 1,000V to 34 kV. The company has a tremendous experience in high voltage (HV) sectors with customers in more than 30 countries. Having received many requests to solve similar issues at MV levels, the company decided to develop an affordable CSD platform dedicated to the MV market.
Utilities, industries, and independent power producers (IPPs) use the SynchroTeq MV to reduce or eliminate transients caused by random switching of new or existing circuit breakers (CBs). Designed as a CB agnostic product, SynchroTeq MV allows better equipment sizing, advanced monitoring functions for predictive maintenance, and critical asset management. SynchroTeq MV transforms CBs into smart devices.

Utilities, industries, and independent power producers (IPPs) use the SynchroTeq MV to reduce or eliminate transients caused by random switching of new or existing circuit breakers.
“SynchroTeq MV is successfully used on arc furnaces to extend the circuit breaker lifespan, prevent CB catastrophic failures, and avoid costly facility shutdowns.” Vizimax President and CEO Jean-Guy Lacombe.
With its new line of products, the company will target power utilities, renewable generation, metal industries, oil & gas and railways for various applications such as transformer energization, grid-connection issues, grid-code compliance, VAR compensation, SVC/hybrid-Statcom, disturbance mitigation and CB lifespan optimization.
“The market reaction has been very positive especially from wind turbine manufacturers for direct connection on the distribution network,” says VIZIMAX VP innovation and Business Development, Marc Lacroix. Based on the field-proven SynchroTeq Plus, the newest SynchroTeq MV enables simple and hassle-free monitoring and control of load’s switching operations.
Advantages of SynchroTeq MV:
- Improve the stability and reliability of medium voltage electric systems
- Increase facility uptime through the decreased number of scheduled shutdowns for maintenance
- Achieve clean and stable power from distributed energy resources
- Preserve and extend the lifespan of costly medium voltage assets
- Retrofit existing circuit breakers and add controlled switching & monitoring functions
- Manage future maintenance and repair based on live acquisition, SER and alarms
- Minimize your capital investment by optimal sizing of your equipment

VIZIMAX announces the release of its the SynchroTeq MV, new line of controlled switching devices (CSDs) for medium voltage (MV) applications, from about 1,000V to 34 kV.
SynchroTeq MV products are a manufacturer agnostic solution to control Medium Voltage circuit breakers regardless theirs switching technologies such as vacuum or SF6. With minimal impact on capital expenditures, the SynchroTeq MV ensures secure and transient-free switching of the following loads:
A few SynchroTeq MVR specs:
- 3 x CT inputs : 1A or 5A, software programmable
- 1 x PT input : 1 input for circuit breaker synchronization
- 10x isolated digital inputs (24V, 48V, 125V, or 220V) 52a, open/close, or out of service, and others
- 6 digital outputs: CB coil driver
- 4 alarms outputs
- 2 x 100Base-T Ethernet ports
- Wide power supply range selection: 24V, 48V, 125V, or 220V
- RTD/4-20mA input for CB timing compensation
- 0-300 Vdc voltage measurement input for station/circuit breaker monitoring
- Wide installation range : Pole-top, 19” rack, cabinet, wall, and others.
- -40 to 75°C
MV single-phase and three phase power transformer using SynchroTeq MVS and SynchroTeq MVX
A few SynchroTeq MVX and MVS specs:
- CT inputs : 1 A or 5 A software programmable, SynchroTeq MVX (3x), SynchroTeq MVS (1x)
- PT inputs : 1x for C/B synchronisation and for load side voltage measurements SynchroTeq MVX (3x), SynchroTeq MVS (1x)
- 10x isolated digital inputs (24V, 48V, 125V, or 220V) 52a, open/close, out of service, and ohters
- Digital outputs: CB coil driver, SynchroTeq MVX (6x), SynchroTeq MVS (2x)
- 4x alarms outputs
- 2x 100Base-T Ethernet ports
- Wide power supply range selection: 24V, 48V, 125V, or 220V
- RTD/4-20mA input for CB timing compensation
- 0-300 Vdc voltage measurement input for station/circuit breaker monitoring
- Wide installation range: Pole-top, 19-in. rack, cabinet, wall, and others.
- -40 to 75°C
Filed Under: News, Transformers