A Danish energy company supplying millions of Europeans with energy has proven that offshore wind technology can outperform black energy such as coal.
In 2017, the company was awarded the contract to build the world’s biggest offshore wind farm at the lowest ever price for offshore wind in the UK. With 300 turbines producing more than 1,386MW, the new wind farm will enable them to power up to 1.3 million British households at a 63% lower price than just six years ago, demonstrating the rapid reductions in costs for green energy.
However, with fossil fuels still representing 81% of the world’s energy consumption, there is an urgent need to create a world that is entirely powered by green energy. Though the technology is ready, it will require immense effort and dedication from the energy industry and governments to get there.
Now the former fossil-based energy company DONG Energy, originally short for Danish Oil and Natural Gas, is taking a clear stand to create a world that runs entirely on green energy. And to pursue this vision, the company will become Ørsted on November 6.
In a new film, Ørsted calls for your support for a global change to green energy through the concept of ‘Love your home’ and a reminder that love means nothing without action.
“Green energy is now cheaper than black energy. This is a real turning point because green energy has become the economic choice. This gives the world a unique opportunity to take real action against climate change and create a world that runs entirely on green energy.“ – Henrik Poulsen, CEO of DONG Energy, soon to become Ørsted.
Over the last ten years, the company has rapidly transformed from black to green energy. By deciding to stop using coal, selling its oil and gas production and building the world’s largest offshore wind business, the company is today fully dedicated to green energy. During the last six years, it helped reduce the cost of offshore wind power by 63% and by 2023, it will have reduced its carbon emissions by 96%.
The company’s new name, Ørsted, is inspired by the Danish scientist Hans Christian Ørsted who discovered electromagnetism in 1820, thereby laying the foundation for how today’s societies are powered.
Watch Ørsted’s film here: https://youtu.be/FlvUV63QhAM
Read more here: orsted.com
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