In 2012 there were 2,371 total respiratory protection citations, according to OSHA, making it one of the agency’s top-cited violations. Companies can avoid being part of this statistic by selecting the right respiratory product.
TruAir and TruAir Plus, NIOSH approved N95 and N99-level protection respectively, feature a similar design with a large, molded shell to aid in the reduction of breathing resistance. They also feature an adjustable metal nosepiece and non-latex, elastic head straps to help ensure a safe, secure fit. TruAir Ultra is a cost-effective, NIOSH-approved, P100-rated respirator. TruAir Plus has a conforming facial seal and individually adjustable, latex-free head straps.
All models of the TruAir disposable respirator are available with or without an exhalation vent. The valve, explains Greg Schmidt, Gateway Safety Product Development Manager, “reduces exhalation resistance, making it easier to breathe. Many users also feel that the valve keeps the face cooler and reduces moisture build-up.”
By providing an effective, comfortable disposable respirator solution for employees, employers can expect better compliance, and hopefully, fewer violation worries. Gateway Safety’s TruAir disposable respirators offer a durable, comfortable product for workers, while remaining affordable for those who pay the bills.
Gateway Safety
Filed Under: O&M, Safety