Aaron Severn / Power of Wind
For fiscal year 2017 (FY17), the U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Program requested a $156 million budget. These funds were requested to perform critical research and development efforts.
Unfortunately, Congress only approved $90 million for the Wind Energy Program this year. While this is not a large cut from the $95 million provided in 2016, any drop in funding threatens wind energy’s growth. The Wind Energy Program helps reduce costs, improve technology, and strengthen our electric grid. We need more commitment this program year–over–year, not less.
We’re already looking ahead to FY18 and are asking Senators to sign on to a bipartisan letter that is being led by Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) to provide $95 million for the program. Your senator needs to hear from you – ask him or her to sign the letter to ensure funding levels don’t drop again next year.
- Susan Collins (ME)
- Joni Ernst (IA)
- Cory Gardner (CO)
- Lindsey Graham (SC)
- Dean Heller (NV)
- John Hoeven (ND)
- Jerry Moran (KS)
- Rob Portman (OH)
- Mike Rounds (SD)
- John Thune (SD)
Send your senator an email or call their office with the message: “Please sign the letter requesting a $5 million budget increase for the DOE Wind Program. We need to continue to invest in wind energy, innovation, and clean energy jobs. Contact Senators Merkley or Grassley to add your support to this bipartisan effort to increase FY18 funding levels.”
Senators must sign on by May 17.
To easily find your Senator’s contact information, visit the senate.gov website.
Filed Under: News