New Standard Institute’s interactive eLearning programs, called Measurement Methods, use text, narration, and animations to present information in an interesting and effective manner. The accompanying picture from Measurement Methods, shows two examples using a vernier protractor. To ensure an accurate reading, the minutes measurement on the vernier scale must be used.
Animations, such as this one, can be found throughout the training. Here, the use of a slide caliper is demonstrated. A slide caliper can be used to take outside measurements, as well as inside measurements. Measurements can be taken to the nearest 1/32 in. (0.031 in.) on the bottom scale and to the nearest 1/64 in. (.016 in.) on the top scale, using the slide caliper shown.
In another example, extracted from Measurement Methods, discusses the importance of proper calibration for precision measurement devices. Gauge blocks can be used to check the accuracy of measuring devices. The gauge blocks are made of hard corrosive resistant metals and have dimensions traceable to the us National Institute of Standards and Technology.
New Standard institute
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