Ever larger wind power stations for higher capacities means operators constantly face new challenges in terms of operational reliability and maintenance. A major topic in this context is the reliable lubrication of wind turbines and their components. Under the motto of “Solutions for more Wind FORCE“, Klüber Lubrication will be presenting highly efficient speciality lubricants, but also a comprehensive portfolio of services designed to meet the specific needs of the wind power industry, at the WindEnergy 2014 in Hamburg in hall B5, stand 525.

The synthetic adhesive lubricant Klübersynth AG 14-61 has been designed for girth gear and pinion drives and plain bearings, such as yaw bearings, in wind turbines.
“Our field of responsibility extends far beyond selling high-quality speciality lubricants,” comments Peter Mages, Market Manager Wind Energy at Klüber Lubrication. “We assist clients when changing over to a new lubricant as well as with the generation of lubrication charts, lubricant and component analyses, or by holding customer-specific seminars for the wind energy sector.”
The synthetic adhesive lubricant Klübersynth AG 14-61 has been designed for girth gear and pinion drives and plain bearings, such as yaw bearings, in wind turbines. The lubricant can be pumped in central lubrication systems at temperatures as low as -30°C to enable problem-free operation over a wide temperature range. With its excellent antiwear properties, Klübersynth AG 14-61 helps increase the service life of girth gear and pinion drives. The new lubricant offers more benefits as it is very flexible: “Since Klübersynth AG 14-61 is used with optimum results in drive units as well as in plain bearings, the number of different lubricants used can be reduced,” says Peter Mages.
Another product that has proven effective in numerous wind power plants is the synthetic gear oil Klübersynth GEM 4-320 N. This oil is particularly suited to the specific requirements of the wind power sector due to its high scuffing and micropitting strength as well as its degree of wear protection. It is also particularly resistant to ageing and oxidation and shows a good viscosity-temperature behaviour. Furthermore, the synthetic gear oil Klübersynth GEM 4-320 N has excellent antifoaming characteristics.
The experts from Klüber Lubrication will also be presenting a wide range of services in the field of speciality lubrication at the WindEnergy 2014, with grease condition analysis (GCA) being one of them. Availability is a key factor for operators of wind turbines. Lubricant analysis can provide information that helps to optimise availability. Bearing grease condition analyses by means of standardised methods on a regular basis provide information on the current condition of the grease. Based on analysis results, the failure risk of expensive components or systems can be reduced and useful life increased. The grease condition analysis service tells operators if everything is going to plan or warns them if something is wrong.
Klüber Lubrication
Filed Under: Events, Lubricants, News