The Third Generation of a Multi-Processing System, RAPA G3, reduces the machining and finishing time spent on large parts such as wind blades. The robotic machine-tool, from IDPSA, Madrid, Spain ( supports a variety of applications and processes such as scanning, measuring and inspection systems, cutting tools, spray heads, water-jet cutters, chopper guns, and finishing tools. RAPA G3 uses an accurate double modular rack-and-pinion drive from Parker Hannifin to create any X-axis length required. The drive moves a workholding platform by and over a workpiece for a KUKA robot that holds an automatic tool changer. The robot for blades works over a 50 x 15 x 6-m area. A maximum X-axis feedrate hits 70,000 mm/min. The unit can also scan, measure, and inspect its machining and finishing work quickly and repeatedly. What once took 100 h manually is now done in 10 h. A vacuum with spindle shroud is available to capture dust and chips. A tool changer holds 12 to 16 items. The machine’s vision guidance system has an accuracy of less of 1 mm for cutting tools, spray heads, water-jet cutters, chopper guns, and finishing tools.
Filed Under: Blades