Vaisala’s Global Lightning Data GLD360, has recorded its one billionth lightning stroke. The GLD360 network provides more lightning information than any other comparable dataset in the world, with daily counts routinely exceeding 1.5 million events. The network has detected 33,258,377 strokes per month on average, since its inception in 2009.

Viasala also provides the free lightning explorer (shown). The company owns and operates the GLD360, and delivers lightning information as a service, letting users access data without capital expenditures. The company has more than 90 precision networks installed in 40 countries, including the US National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN).
The Vaisala GLD360 network’s global reach, its industry leading Location Accuracy (LA) and Detection Efficiency (DE) performance combined with its unique Polarity & Peak Amplitude (kA) measurement capability provide more accurate short and medium-term weather forecasts. The network can detect and characterize lightning in areas where meteorological observations may be partially lacking or absent. It supports lightning as a radar proxy or radar complement in areas where weather radar information is limited or non-existent. The network provides operational situational awareness to numerous industries.
GLD360 assimilates lightning data into weather models that enhance the foresight of advancing weather systems, which helps users make more informed decisions and increase safety and efficiency,” states Richard Pyle, Director, New Weather Markets in Vaisala.
Filed Under: News, Obstruction lighting, Safety