Forum to feature business presentations from 30 clean energy startups, networking opportunities, panels and speakers featuring industry experts
The Forum will feature business presentations from 30 clean energy start-ups, networking opportunities, panels and speakers featuring industry experts
Thirty clean energy companies will present their business cases to a panel of investors and industry experts Nov. 3 and 4 in Denver, Colorado, as the Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) hosts its annual Industry Growth Forum.
The 30 emerging clean energy startup companies were selected through an application and review process and will compete for the 2015 NREL Clean Energy Venture Awards. For more than 20 years, NREL’s Industry Growth Forum has been the nation’s premier clean energy investment event. NREL’s unique approach and interactive format make the forum a must-attend event for the clean energy business and investment community. Since 2003, presenting companies have raised more than $5 billion in investment.
In addition to business case presentations, NREL’s two-day forum will offer an array of organized networking opportunities and will present a program that highlights clean energy technology and business developments with an agenda featuring thought leaders who will address the most important topics in the industry today.
“NREL’s Industry Growth Forum creates critical opportunities to connect the various players in the clean energy business community,” said William Farris, NREL Associate Lab Director for Innovation, Partnering and Outreach. “Using the convening power of the laboratory, we bring entrepreneurs directly together with financiers, policymakers and technologists. In doing so, we help build the foundation for future conversations, partnerships and business decisions that strengthen the industry as a whole.”
For more information, including the agenda, a list of participating companies, a list of sponsors, and registration details, see the NREL Industry Growth Forum website.
NREL is the U.S. Department of Energy’s primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. NREL is operated for the Energy Department by The Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
Filed Under: Financing, News