The Blackburn Storm-Safe Service Entrance Disconnect System from Thomas & Betts de-energizes and releases utility service entrance cables when they are struck by debris, eliminating a safety hazard to the public, emergency responders and utility repair personnel. The Storm-Safe system lets utility repair personnel restore power quickly and at minimal cost by installing a

The Storm-Safe system is available in single-service, two-service and three-service kits, and is fully rated for 200-amp service.
new link and re-inserting the contacts. The disconnect system is comprised of a mechanical breakaway link and mating contacts for the electrical service. When the service cable is struck by debris, such as falling tree branches during a storm, the Storm-Safe system’s breakaway link releases the service mechanical support and disconnects the electrical service, which de-energizes the cable without damaging utility equipment or customer premises.
“Utility lines downed by falling debris are not only a safety hazard, but also may cause costly damage to utility equipment and the customer’s property,” said Thomas & Betts product manager Mike Cawood. “The damage, as well as the risks posed when the cable remains energized, often delays restoration of service.”
The mechanical breakaway link breaks at a prescribed force to prevent damage. The mating contacts separate after the line breaks for a safe disconnect of power.
Thomas & Betts Corp.
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