The Supreme Court issued a temporary stay on the Clean Power Plan, which puts the first ever limits to carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants. George Goehl, Executive Director of National People’s Action, issued the following statement:
“The Supreme Court is charged with safeguarding our fundamental and constitutional rights, including our right to clean air. While we are disappointed by their decision to stay the rule, we are certain that the Clean Power Plan rests on a firm legal footing and will be implemented in states across the country.
Make no mistake about it, this legal challenge is a desperate attempt by the titans of the dirty energy economy to hold ground as our nation shifts towards clean energy. And a delay in the rule does not mean a delay in the climate crisis, nor will it delay everyday people from taking action to advance a clean energy economy. National People’s Action and our members across the country will continue to push elected officials to advance policies and investments that put people and the planet first, not dirty energy companies. As we transition to clean energy, we must ensure that we create economic opportunity for communities of color and low-income communities.”
National People’s Action
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