The wind over deep-sea waters offers the potential to become one of the country’s largest renewable energy sources. The University of Texas at Dallas researcher Todd Griffith has spent years working on an offshore turbine design that can convert deep-ocean winds into electricity. Recently, Griffith received a $3.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of…
ARPA-E backs 12 new projects to improve the U.S. electric grid
NODES project teams will develop technologies that coordinate load and generation on the electric grid to create a virtual energy storage system.
DNV GL validates ARPA-E funded grid-storage technologies for next four years
DNV GL will support the US government agency ARPA-E (Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy) to validate the performance of ARPA-E funded grid-storage and distributed energy (micro-grid) technologies over the next four years. Storage technologies will play a key role in the modernization of electric grids Grid-storage enables cost-effective integration of increasing amounts of renewable and distributed…
DNV GL validates ARPA-E funded grid-storage technologies for next four years
Storage technologies will play a key role in the modernization of electric grids Grid-storage enables cost-effective integration of increasing amounts of renewable and distributed energy Objective testing and transparent evaluation of new grid-storage technologies are needed to advance the industry DNV GL will support the US government agency ARPA-E (Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy) to validate the…
Agency’s $33 million REBELS program to develop innovative technologies for distributed generation
ARPA-E Acting Director Dr. Cheryl Martin recently announced $33 million in funding for 13 new projects aimed at developing transformational fuel-cell technologies for low-cost distributed power generation. The projects, which are funded through ARPA-E’s new Reliable Electricity Based on ELectrochemical Systems (REBELS) program, are focused on improving grid stability, balancing intermittent renewable technologies, and reducing…
Company wins grant to develop airborne turbine
The Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA- E) within the Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded California-based Makani Power, Inc. $3 million to continue development of an airborne wind turbine.
Can an air leak give turbine rotors an efficiency boost?
An idea originally developed to increase lift in slow moving aircraft wings and simplify helicopter rotors may soon improve the efficiency of wind turbine rotors and possibly reduce their cost of manufacturing. This “circulation control” aerodynamic technology could let wind turbines produce significantly more power than current devices at the same wind speed, 30 to…