Offshore planners and operators can now take advantage of a new tool that supports the safe and efficient execution of operations on offshore energy assets. DHI launched Metocean Risk Ops, a workability assessment application that offers access to weather window and downtime analyses to support the operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms, installations and…
Metal fiber brushes could let slip rings last 20 years in wind turbines
DHi (Defense Holdings Inc.) of Manassas Park, Virg. and H&N Electric from Pasco, Washington, recently conducted an up-tower inspection of DHi’s revolutionary blade pitch control slip ring featuring HiPerCon Brand metal fiber brushes (electric brushes) after one year of slip ring operation at PacifiCorp, Inc.’s Leaning Juniper Site in Arlington, OR. The DHi slip ring had operated trouble- and…
DHi sets industry benchmark with UL certification of its wind turbine pitch slip rings
Defense Holdings, Inc. (DHi) is raising the bar for the wind industry, having recently received unrestricted certification from Underwriters Laboratories (UL) for its pitch-control slip rings with HiPerCon metal fiber brushes. With this significant accreditation, DHi becomes: Only the second company to achieve a UL listing for WTG pitch slip rings, The first and only…
Wind and solar prospecting tools
A program and database called Wind and Solar Prospecting Tools provides immediate access to seasonal variability data critical to understanding a site’s energy potential. The software, from 3Tier, Seattle, provides quick and unlimited access to seasonal data for wind and solar resources around the world. The software uses a point-and-click interface and lets renewable energy…