According to an analysis by the SUN DAY Campaign of data just released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), U.S. electrical generating capacity by renewable energy sources (i.e., wind, solar, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass) has now – for the first time – surpassed that of coal. FERC’s latest monthly “Energy Infrastructure Update” report (with…
Renewables accounted for 60% of new energy capacity installed in Q1 2019
In the first quarter of 2019, wind, solar, and hydropower accounted for about three-fifths (59.6%) of new energy capacity added to the U.S. electricity generation mix, according to an analysis of data released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) conducted by the SUN DAY Campaign. According to FERC’s latest “Energy Infrastructure Update” (with data…
FERC seeking comments on electric transmission incentives policy
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is seeking comments on possible improvements to its electric transmission incentives policy to ensure that it appropriately encourages the development of the infrastructure needed to ensure grid reliability and reduce congestion to reduce the cost of power for consumers. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 amended the Federal Power…
Major American companies seek electricity grid enhancements
Major American companies, including Cargill, General Mills, Procter & Gamble, Nestlé, and Unilever have sent a letter to the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) asking for continued acceleration and enhancement of the regional and interregional transmission line planning processes to assist in making the U.S. electricity grid more resilient and reliable. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)…
Wind and solar lead all new U.S. electrical generation placed into service in early 2018, FERC states
Wind and solar accounted for more than 98% of all new U.S. electrical generation placed into service in the first two months of this year, according to a SUN DAY Campaign analysis of data just released by the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commissions (FERC). FERC’s latest “Energy Infrastructure Update” (with summary statistics for January and February 2018) also reveals that the total installed capacity…
A joint statement on power market principles has been sent to FERC
In view of the ongoing changes, we are writing to communicate the principles necessary to maximize the benefits of organized wholesale electricity markets.
FERC report outlines potential doubling of wind capacity by 2020
In the latest issue of its “Energy Infrastructure Update” (with data through November 30, 2017), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) notes that proposed net additions to generating capacity by utility-scale wind and solar could total 115,984 megawatts (MW) by December 2020
Clean energy coalition supports proposed FERC revision of interconnection process
A coalition of clean energy groups voiced their support recently for proposed interconnection changes by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
FERC issues policy statement on electric storage cost recovery
In its Policy Statement, FERC identified three primary issues that should be addressed if an electric storage resource seeks to recover its costs through both cost-based and market-based rates concurrently
FERC requires newly interconnecting small generators to ride through abnormal frequency and voltage events
FERC recently modified its pro forma Small Generator Interconnection Agreement (SGIA) to require newly interconnecting small generating facilities to ride through abnormal frequency and voltage events and not disconnect during such events.
FERC report says renewables account for more than 60% of the 7,276MW in first 9 months of 2015
A few report highlights: 60% of new U.S. generating capacity in first three-quarters 2015 is from renewables Wind is largest source of new capacity, beating out natural gas New renewable capacity is 1,460 times greater than that from coal Non-hydro renewable capacity now exceeds conventional hydropower In another confirmation of where the nation’s energy future…
FERC: Renewables provide half of new U.S. generating cap in 2014, beat out natural gas
Ending a year-long race that had been nip-and tuck every month, renewable energy sources cumulatively provided more new electric generating capacity in 2014 than did natural gas. According to the latest “Energy Infrastructure Update” report from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) Office of Energy Projects, renewable energy sources (i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric, solar, wind)…
FERC issues encouraging Energy Infrastructure Update report
According to the latest “Energy Infrastructure Update” report from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Office of Energy Projects, wind, solar, biomass, and hydropower provided 88.2% of new installed U.S. electrical generating capacity for the month of May. Two new “units” of wind provided 203 MW, five units of solar provided 156 MW, 1 unit of…
FERC adopts new calculation for return on equity; tentatively sets New England ISO base ROE at 10.57%
This article, from law firm Troutman Sanders, provides a little insight as to how utilities decide on a return on investment. At FERC’s monthly meeting in June, the Commission tentatively set the base return on equity (“ROE”) in ISO New England Inc.’s (“ISO-NE”) Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”) at 10.57%. During the process, FERC announced…
FERC proposes rules for gas-electric coordination
This article, from law firm Stinson Leonard Street, is authored by Kelly Daly. Editor’s note: This topic should be of interest to the wind industry because as more natural gas is used to generate electric power, the more it can be supplemented by equally inexpensive and available wind-generated power. In a…
FERC change expected to be a boon for the energy-storage industry
This article, from law firm Bricker & Eckler LLP, is authored by Dylan Borchers. A change that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) passed in July will take effect and many say it will be a significant boon to the development of energy storage systems, Midwest Energy News reports. Advocates say that although energy storage systems are…
Recent FERC Order provides important guidance on utility curtailment of renewable generation
This article, from law firm Paul Hastings LLP, is authored by William DeGrandis and Stephen Snyder. Curtailment of renewable energy resources has significant financial impacts for projects that only generate revenue when in operation. Do Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) regulations give utilities purchasing the output of renewable resources under Power Purchase Agreements (“PPA”) the…
More stats from FERC: RE accounts for ~25% of new domestic electricity
According to the latest “Energy Infrastructure Update” report from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Office of Energy Projects, renewable energy sources (i.e., biomass, geothermal, solar, water, wind) accounted for 24.93% of all new domestic electrical generating capacity installed in the first six months of 2013 for a total of 2,144 MW. That is more than…
FERC releases its Energy Infrastructure Update
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission released its most recent five-page “Energy Infrastructure Update,” with data through March 31, 2013. See the tables titled “New Generation In-Service (New Build and Expansion)” and “Total Installed Operating Generating Capacity” at
FERC staff presents annual market report on the state of energy markets
This article comes from law firm Troutman Sanders LLP On May 16, 2013, FERC’s Office of Enforcement and Office of Electric Reliability jointly presented their annual assessment of the condition and reliability of the energy market to FERC. The presentation, titled Summer 2013 Energy Market and Reliability Assessment, predicted an increase in natural gas prices due…