In spring 2016, Energiekontor installed the spinner anemometer technology iSpin, initially on two of seven Vestas V80-type turbines. The exact wind measurements taken directly at the spinner were intended to determine whether the turbines in the Lower Saxonian wind farm were aligned for the best possible yield. The result of the measurements: both of the…
Webinar: Holistic Performance Monitoring of Wind Farms – Comparable performance measurement on any turbine, in any wind farm, at any time
Determining the true performance of each wind farm turbine is extremely difficult if not impossible. Nowadays performance measurements in wind farms are limited to single turbines with free wind sectors, defined flat areas and using dedicated met masts. Although lidars have the potential to replace met masts they are limited to the same…
Vattenfall and ROMO Wind publish performance data verifying accuracy of iSpin technology
Wind-turbine optimizer ROMO Wind, together with Vattenfall, carried out a performance measurement project at Nørrekær Enge wind farm in Denmark using 13 Siemens 2.3-MW wind turbines. The goal was to compare the power-curve measurement results of an IEC-compliant met mast, a nacelle LiDAR, and the iSpin spinner anemometer. The results show that only the iSpin…