Infiniti Research, a world-renowned market intelligence solutions provider, has launched their recent list blog on the top five wind-turbine manufacturers, who are investing in research and development to improve the efficiency of turbines.
The demand for power is ever-increasing across the world. Therefore, to meet this demand, world corporations have been focusing on clean and renewable energy. Wind energy is considered to be most efficient among all the other renewable sources of energy.
According to the wind energy experts at Infiniti, “Wind energy is the most efficient energy source compared to the second most efficient source, geothermal energy.”
Infiniti Research is a global market intelligence company offering insights to help companies in seeing beyond market disruptions, analyzing competitive activity, and developing intelligent business strategies. Some of the top wind turbine manufacturers are listed below.
Top five wind-turbine manufacturers:
- Vestas: A Danish manufacturer involved in manufacturing, distribution, installation, and servicing of wind turbines.
- Goldwind: A Chinese company that provides power technology services, technology transfer services, along with investment and sale of wind power projects.
- Enercon: This company has worldwide power installation of 43.1 GW with 26,360 wind energy converters (WEC) facilities across the world.
- Siemens. Siemens is one of the most recognizable names amongst other wind turbine manufacturers. According to Reuters report, Siemens had a market share of about 63% of European offshore turbines in the year 2015. Siemens is highly focused on driving down the cost of wind turbines down and make it viable even without subsidies.
- Suzlon Group is an Indian wind turbine manufacturer, which operates across 18 countries with 17,000 MW of wind energy capacity installed globally. The company is highly driven to enable sustainable development across the world. Out of 17,000 MW capacity worldwide, Suzlon has added over 11,000 MW of wind capacity in India.
Infiniti Researc
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