Jewell Instruments introduces the 750 Black Diamond series of tiltmeters. This series offers ruggedized, high-precision tilt sensing solutions for the geotechnical market.

The durability and precision of these tiltmeters make them solutions for a variety of geotechnical applications including bridge sag and sway, dam monitoring, construction surveying, and other precision structural measurement.
The 750 Black Diamond series consists of five families with a resolution up to 1 µradian (0.000057°), up to a +/-90º measuring range and smaller footprints to accommodate space constraints. They consist of high precision servo-based technology and most models are fluid-damped to provide superior noise rejection in high shock and vibration environments as well as excellent output stability.
The series also presents good dynamic response (to 200 Hz) and low thermal drift. Each sensor is equipped with analog 0 to 5Vdc, 4 to 20 mA or digital RS485 output types.
The durability and precision of these tiltmeters make them excellent solutions for a variety of geotechnical applications including bridge sag and sway, dam monitoring, construction surveying and any other precision structural measurement.
Data sheets are available here.
Filed Under: Sensors