A wind resource assessment is the process by which wind project developers estimate the future energy production of a wind farm. Accurate wind resource assessments are essential to develop successful wind farms. Wind Resource Assessment is crucial in the project planning because it assures investors and bankers that the project is feasible and profitable. A Bankable Wind Resource is a key factor in getting the wind farm built.

Wind flow modeling software aims to predict necessary characteristics of the wind resource. Meteodyn uses CFD computations more accurate, particularly in complex terrains.
Wind flow modeling software aims to predict necessary characteristics of the wind resource. Meteodyn uses CFD computations more accurate, particularly in complex terrains.
Wind farm modeling software aims to simulate the energy production of a proposed or existing wind farm. The software takes into account input wind data, terrain roughness, wind turbine specifications and power curve, background maps, and environmental obstacles. Then, results are used to design a wind farm that maximizes energy production while taking restrictions and construction constraints into account.

Wind flow modeling software aims to predict necessary characteristics of the wind resource. Meteodyn uses CFD computations more accurate, particularly in complex terrains.
Meteodyn develops wind flow modelling software to extrapolate wind speeds across a site and compute wind resource even in the most complex terrains (mountains, forests, ridges…). From onsite anemometers and meteorological towers data, statistics and local wind characteristics, the company computes with the most performing WRA software – meteodyn WT – the wind resource and wind production.
The company says it helps make the right decisions for your wind parks projects: from wind resource to site adequacy, lay-out definition to operation and maintenance, site optimization, including wind power forecasting.
A wind characterization includes:
- Evaluation of potential areas – wind atlas, wind resource maps
- Energy yield assessment: wind assessment over complex terrains – CFD modelling
- Wake effects and production assessment – Projected monthly and yearly power production
- Profitability and feasibility of project – Creation of bankable reports, bank certifications, due diligence
- Site turbine suitability – IEC criteria evaluation (61400 1 standards)
- Optimization of turbines layout
- Extreme wind analysis on site
- Wind shear calculations
- Wind characteristics (speeds at different heights, turbulence, air density, wind directions to minimize wake losses from other turbines …)
The company says it performs wind resource assessment using data analysis and modeling with meteodyn WT. Moreover, Meteodyn engineers help interpret the information from your wind resource assessment report.
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