AeroMaster 5.0 MW makes use of two HMI (human machine interface) panels for monitoring and control from the tower base
During HusumWind aerodyn has introduced the aeroVisu, a visualization interface for wind turbines developed in cooperation with design experts optimized for touch control directly on the turbine as well as from remote.
With the increasing requirements of our recent aeroMaster offshore development aeroMaster 5.0 MW also the aeroVisu has been enhanced. This includes new or redeveloped screens as well as an adaption to the new TwinCAT 3.1 aeroControl turbine control system. As an example the user management has now been fully integrated permitting central administration from within the wind farm as well as the new status information handling.
The AeroMaster 5.0 MW makes use of two HMI (human machine interface) panels for monitoring and control from the tower base as well as the nacelle supporting efficient service directly on site.
Aerodyne Energiesystems GmbH
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