The manufacturer of large-scale and mobile fabric impregnators is looking for a turbine blade-manufacturing company interested in using, at no obligation, a fabric impregnator engineered to manufacture the blades. The equipment, from Magnum Venus Plastech, Kent, Wash., has been used to make large composite structures such as boat hulls, many for navies. “We believe with minor modifications to our MineSweeper system, we can easily accommodate the manufacturing needs for wind turbine blades,” says MVP President Tom Hedger.
“We would be willing to meet with a blade manufacturer, review their needs, and then design and put in place a pilot system at our cost in return for documentation and studies of the potential benefits of using a turnkey impregnator system. Preferably it would be for medium size blades,” he says. At the end of the test period, MVP would remove the equipment unless other arrangements are agreed upon.
The machines are highly mobile and can operate on a multi-axis basis. In numerous applications they process several thousands pounds of laminate per minute at a high glass-to-resin ratio. Capital costs are relatively low, says Hedger, and would allow for a far more rapid manufacturing of the composite with less risk and fewer consumables usually associated with vacuum infusion. Contact him at (253) 854-2660 or
Filed Under: Blades
Paul Martin says
drop me an email please