This case history is provided by UpWind Solutions.
Learn how the wind farm Fossil Gulch virtualized its server infrastructure for a quarter of the OEM cost. Challenges for the wind farm include:
- Aging servers with reliability issues
- Bad server hard drives
- Servers with failing backups due to space limitations
- Proprietary OEM hardware and software upgrades
Over the past few years, Fossil Gulch had reached the point that it was requiring a major overhaul to its heir site critical infrastructure. The wind farm had several aging servers with serious reliability issues, bad server hard drives, servers with failing backups due to space limitations, and more. Their group decided it was time to upgrade their equipment to increase their reliability and to regain their original functionality with new servers bearing fresh warranties and solid support options.
For the complete case history click here.
UpWind Solutions
Filed Under: News, O&M