The Forewind met masts are collecting essential meteorological data, including wind, wave, atmospheric, and marine traffic, for the four potential wind farms in the Dogger Bank Zone.
The SeaRoc Group, experts in offshore renewable energy since 2002, has successfully completed a maintenance visit to the two Forewind meteorological masts installed at the Dogger Bank offshore wind farm site in 2013.
SeaRoc team of nine personnel included an operations manager, rope-access riggers, and engineers to undertake inspections and scheduled maintenance on Dogger Bank’s offshore met-masts located in the east and west. The met mast on the east side is approximately 100 kilometers from the UK coast Newcastle, and Dogger Bank’s met-mast to the west is sited about 150 kilometers from the coast.
SeaRoc is responsible for all maintenance tasks, including inspecting the ZephIR lidar installed by SeaRoc in May 2015 on Dogger Bank met-mast east.
SeaRoc has been working with Forewind on the project since November 2011, having provided the topsides and maintenance services since installation. The recent maintenance trip are part of an ongoing maintenance program that consisted of a total vessel crew of 20, plus a team of 22 personnel. This included representatives from Forewind and the project’s other marine contractors. The work was successfully completed ahead of schedule.
Neil Pittam, SeaRoc’s Geomatic Engineering Manager, said: “We and Forewind were very pleased with the successful execution of this trip, and give particular credit to our offshore team for their professionalism and experience. We look forward to the opportunity for future engagement on the Dogger Bank projects.”
Filed Under: O&M, Offshore wind
My Experience in wind met mast 100mtr to 150mtr commissioning work and maintenanance