The MERLIN Radar Introduction for Wind Energy and Airport Applications is provided at no cost to current and prospective MERLIN users, biological consultants, and state and federal wildlife personnel several times each year. This year the course is set for September 9 to12 (four 8-hour days starting at 0900 each day) 2013 at the DeTect Training Center 1902 Wilson Avenue, Panama City, Florida.
The course provides an introduction to radar principles and radar ornithology, training and updates on the MERLIN Avian Radar System, software applications, and data analysis and reporting. The class includes classroom, lab and hands-on radar demonstration.
This class is focused on application of the MERLIN technology to wind energy projects: bird and bat pre-construction survey and mortality risk assessment; operational monitoring; and operational risk mitigation (MERLIN SCADA). The class will also cover use of the radar systems for automated bird control at airports (MERLIN ABAR) and for general research applications. Customized and advanced user courses are also available. Lodging information is available from DeTect and the company will provide local transportation for airport pickup and drop off along with to and from the class each day.
To reserve space, email Space is limited. Class instructors include:
T. Adam Kelly, MSc. Biology, Chief Scientist, DeTect, Inc.
Karen Voltura, PhD Biology, Director Wind Energy Systems, DeTect, Inc.
Jesse Lewis, MSc. Geography, Manager Data Services, DeTect, Inc.
Filed Under: News, O&M, Policy
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